More Simply 'Figtastic' Goodness

While we missed out on a lot of our summer crops from the property due to pesky possums and our fruit-loving feathered friends, autumn is providing abundance. Especially in the form of plump and delicious figs... we've never eaten so many!

I feel a bottling session coming soon as the trees are now delivering daily loads which mean it's hard to keep up with fresh recipes. But before the preserving begins I felt the need to share a couple more 'figtastically' simple recipes (sorry, just couldn't resist!) using these gorgeous fresh fruit.

Friday nights at our house have carried a tradition for a number of years now, it's a time to reconnect over a languid meal of at least two courses, enjoy reflecting on the week that's been and let our minds wander over good food and wine. Sometimes we share the first course with Holly but most of the time, it's her opportunity to take charge of her own meal and cook something for herself - we love Fridays.

With lovely fresh figs brimming over in the fruit basket, it was a quick, simple but utterly scrumptious entrée recently:
Figs, halved, wrapped in a local streaky smoked bacon and popped under the grill until crispy (about 5 minutes). Drizzled with a tangy syrup of Kare manuka honey, orange juice and Evergreen lemon infused olive oil. Then sprinkled with chopped fresh mint. The combination is truly delightful.
And one more super simple finger food recipe, perfect for entertaining:
Crostini made from baguette, lightly toasted with a garlic and rosemary infused olive oil. Fresh figs sliced and topped with sliced goats feta then drizzled with the remaining infused olive oil containing an added glug of Due North tamarillo vinegar. Grill until the goats cheese is slightly caramalised.


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